Tiny Hands of the Market (named after Donald Trump’s physique), stand for the enormous consolidation of wealth through engineered financial tides of low interest rates combined with unregulated extractive platform capitalism. At the heart of it is the dumping of costs onto workers. In Marxist terms, this is exercised in the circuit of money capital. Marx writes in volume two of Capital: “If we call labour-power L, means of production mp and the sum of commodities to be purchased C, then we have C = L + mp. To abbreviate C < Lmp” (pp. 109-118). Thus, the whole circuit of money capital according to Marx operates along the lines of this equation: M – C < Lmp … P… C’ – M’. Money buys means of production (mp) and labor power (L)—these two markets converge in C. This stage stands for acquiring machinery, hiring, training, and a whole set of relations that we learned to identify with direct employment. The intervention of the Tiny Hands of the Market is exactly here, where the worker brings with her the means of production. Directly, this happens with the Amazon delivery person or Uber driver bringing to work their own car, filled up with gasoline, with insurance and driver’s license all taken care of, or the teacher accruing costs of broadband and laptop at home to teach on Zoom during COVID. Thus, the ability of app companies to operate as marketplaces for gig jobs of mechanical-Turks, gypsy cars, etc (formerly known as sharing economy), cannot be reduced to some lines of code but should be recognized as the ability to shift all those various costs in mp onto the workers. In this, the stock exchange is booming while those working to make a living are impoverished, and households are performing reproductive and productive labor in service of the Tiny Hands of the Market.
Tiny Hands of the Market (named after Donald Trump’s physique), stand for the enormous consolidation of wealth through engineered financial tides of low interest rates combined with unregulated extractive platform capitalism. At the heart of it is the dumping of costs onto workers. In Marxist terms, this is exercised in the circuit of money capital. Marx writes in volume two of Capital: “If we call labour-power L, means of production mp and the sum of commodities to be purchased C, then we have C = L + mp. To abbreviate C < Lmp” (pp. 109-118). Thus, the whole circuit of money capital according to Marx operates along the lines of this equation: M – C < Lmp … P… C’ – M’. Money buys means of production (mp) and labor power (L)—these two markets converge in C. This stage stands for acquiring machinery, hiring, training, and a whole set of relations that we learned to identify with direct employment. The intervention of the Tiny Hands of the Market is exactly here, where the worker brings with her the means of production. Directly, this happens with the Amazon delivery person or Uber driver bringing to work their own car, filled up with gasoline, with insurance and driver’s license all taken care of, or the teacher accruing costs of broadband and laptop at home to teach on Zoom during COVID. Thus, the ability of app companies to operate as marketplaces for gig jobs of mechanical-Turks, gypsy cars, etc (formerly known as sharing economy), cannot be reduced to some lines of code but should be recognized as the ability to shift all those various costs in mp onto the workers. In this, the stock exchange is booming while those working to make a living are impoverished, and households are performing reproductive and productive labor in service of the Tiny Hands of the Market.