Welcome to the Cosmo-Financial Report, a speculative forecast from the weather within and underground to update our community of distinguished stakeholders and metastable dividuals about the newest innovations and products in the finance industry.
With a finance sector thriving more than 10 years after the worst crisis since the Great Depression, we are eager and keen to deliver to you novel financial solutions that aim to enhance your success as a living currency, and ensure that your portfolio of social claims & obligations is staying afloat in an increasingly turbulent and economically volatile climate.
Of the maxims of orthodox finance none, surely, is more anti-social than the fetish of liquidity. Liquidity is the abstract form of absolute power of financial capitalism. Global wealth, that is, the cumulative value of the world’s assets, cannot be accumulated in financial form without remaining liquid. That’s the raison d’être of financial options and derivatives. Liquidity must go on. This is the name of the financial game.
But with each passing year, the danger of drowning in our own liquidity is growing exponentially. Staying afloat in these exceptional times requires exceptional measures. What if you could start making money? Like, literally? For most of us, making money is the very thing that capitalism today makes impossible. But for others, it’s just business as usual. The inexorable milking of the precariat by the antifragile class through the production and sale of financial products is well documented. Derivative finance gives financiers the opportunity to leverage, and benefit disproportionately from, the fears and insecurities about financial capital’s own future. If you are not making money out of the uncertainties of the future, then you are probably just another bunny in the headlights of risk.
We offer you to re-write the ends of finance. To transmute value at the end of the economy. To turn your current precarity into active metastability. Our product allows you to tap into the operative, the speculative, and dare we say, the schizo-fragile - power of the financial.
Finance is, effectively and etymologically, about how we deal with “endings”, about how we make ends meet. It is a system that effectively presupposes its own catastrophic end, and benefits from the speculation about how long it can be delayed.
It is our firm belief and motto that with finance, another end of the world is possible.
We are most excited to reveal the launch of a new suite of financial options that are especially designed for you to DIVEST FROM THE FUTURE and open up the present anew by generating ILLIQUIDITY EVENTS of different magnitudes.
Our investment thesis is simple. We understand that capitalism is an injustice-compounding machine that must be reprogrammed. And we believe that there is actually plenty for everyone - if only we conceive of justice as a financial option.
What does that mean?
This means reverse engineering current derivative vehicles of accumulation, to provoke an autoimmune response in the form of an outbreak of illiquidity in capital markets.
Our Justice As an Option Financial Suite strives to attract an array of investors and divestors that desire both to redeem invaluable pasts and unlock differential futures. With the help of our team of experts, you will be able to characterize the value of any historical claim, i.e. determine the moment in which that value is finite, calculable and leverageable. Our product offers a solution to Walter Benjamin’s core concern as expressed in his “Thesis on the concept of history”, that is: how and when to seize the present moment to redeem past injustices?
Our intelligence reports are unanimous. The financial time that remains is entering into a profound metamorphosis. Multiple events of disaccumulation are taking shape in different parts of the metaverse, divergently growing in the shadows of what has been previously called “revolution”. The irresistible growth of Decentralized finance and the NFT market seem to be accelerating this trend. There is indeed mounting evidence of an upcoming NFT moment for social justice. Justice as the time of the Financial Now. Justice as Non-Fungible Time (NFT).
Your differential skin in the game is of utmost importance to us. Examine your beliefs and habits. Educate yourself about social justice as a financial option. It is not enough to call yourself an ally of the market. Divest from the future. Be the option. Be the asset you’ve always wanted to be. And make money. Like, literally.
Welcome to the Cosmo-Financial Report, a speculative forecast from the weather within and underground to update our community of distinguished stakeholders and metastable dividuals about the newest innovations and products in the finance industry.
With a finance sector thriving more than 10 years after the worst crisis since the Great Depression, we are eager and keen to deliver to you novel financial solutions that aim to enhance your success as a living currency, and ensure that your portfolio of social claims & obligations is staying afloat in an increasingly turbulent and economically volatile climate.
Of the maxims of orthodox finance none, surely, is more anti-social than the fetish of liquidity. Liquidity is the abstract form of absolute power of financial capitalism. Global wealth, that is, the cumulative value of the world’s assets, cannot be accumulated in financial form without remaining liquid. That’s the raison d’être of financial options and derivatives. Liquidity must go on. This is the name of the financial game.
But with each passing year, the danger of drowning in our own liquidity is growing exponentially. Staying afloat in these exceptional times requires exceptional measures. What if you could start making money? Like, literally? For most of us, making money is the very thing that capitalism today makes impossible. But for others, it’s just business as usual. The inexorable milking of the precariat by the antifragile class through the production and sale of financial products is well documented. Derivative finance gives financiers the opportunity to leverage, and benefit disproportionately from, the fears and insecurities about financial capital’s own future. If you are not making money out of the uncertainties of the future, then you are probably just another bunny in the headlights of risk.
We offer you to re-write the ends of finance. To transmute value at the end of the economy. To turn your current precarity into active metastability. Our product allows you to tap into the operative, the speculative, and dare we say, the schizo-fragile - power of the financial.
Finance is, effectively and etymologically, about how we deal with “endings”, about how we make ends meet. It is a system that effectively presupposes its own catastrophic end, and benefits from the speculation about how long it can be delayed.
It is our firm belief and motto that with finance, another end of the world is possible.
We are most excited to reveal the launch of a new suite of financial options that are especially designed for you to DIVEST FROM THE FUTURE and open up the present anew by generating ILLIQUIDITY EVENTS of different magnitudes.
Our investment thesis is simple. We understand that capitalism is an injustice-compounding machine that must be reprogrammed. And we believe that there is actually plenty for everyone - if only we conceive of justice as a financial option.
What does that mean?
This means reverse engineering current derivative vehicles of accumulation, to provoke an autoimmune response in the form of an outbreak of illiquidity in capital markets.
Our Justice As an Option Financial Suite strives to attract an array of investors and divestors that desire both to redeem invaluable pasts and unlock differential futures. With the help of our team of experts, you will be able to characterize the value of any historical claim, i.e. determine the moment in which that value is finite, calculable and leverageable. Our product offers a solution to Walter Benjamin’s core concern as expressed in his “Thesis on the concept of history”, that is: how and when to seize the present moment to redeem past injustices?
Our intelligence reports are unanimous. The financial time that remains is entering into a profound metamorphosis. Multiple events of disaccumulation are taking shape in different parts of the metaverse, divergently growing in the shadows of what has been previously called “revolution”. The irresistible growth of Decentralized finance and the NFT market seem to be accelerating this trend. There is indeed mounting evidence of an upcoming NFT moment for social justice. Justice as the time of the Financial Now. Justice as Non-Fungible Time (NFT).
Your differential skin in the game is of utmost importance to us. Examine your beliefs and habits. Educate yourself about social justice as a financial option. It is not enough to call yourself an ally of the market. Divest from the future. Be the option. Be the asset you’ve always wanted to be. And make money. Like, literally.