When revisiting the events that took place during the 26 attacks in Chiapú-Xingu, it is important to highlight the difficulty of drawing a timeline due to the structural and health chaos triggered by the attack. To draw this timeline, documents from both perspectives of the conflict were crossed: both the minutes of the CUX (Xingu Unified Command), and the logs of the Catre Base of the Ministry of Brazil, as well as less implicated perspectives of observers and survivors. All documents used in this report are under the seal of the Disclosure Law promoted by the Responsibility Board.1
Since 2019, the Ministry of Brazil has tried to reinforce its leadership in the country, enlisting new groups and annexing territories to its contingent. The opposition forces that until then were spread across the country began to concentrate in the territory of the Xingu Reserve. After years of concentration, assimilation and debate, in 2021 these groups were named Chiapú-Xingu, and the indigenous-prison alliance was organised as CUX. From that moment on, the two enemy poles competing in the country’s power play became clear. In January 2023, the CUX council deliberated on guidelines for confrontations and counterattacks and elected new leaders. Feeling the tone rise and the opposition articulating itself, the Ministry of Brazil tightened negotiations and published the document that became known as the Declaration of War2 in May of the same year. Still in 2023, the first attempted land invasion of CUX territory was the Guarantã operation. The retaliation took place at the beginning of the following year, when the Colíder and Xinguara Bases were invaded and dismantled with the attack of the southwestern division of the CUX.
In the two years following the major attack, attempts at occupation, sabotage and dismantling were undertaken by both sides of the conflict. In 2026, when the war was on for three years, a major movement was anticipated: attempts at the front, sound shields, attacks, interception of transmissions. The CUX forces remained vigilant and grouped in the greater Chiapú-Xingu region. The Ministry had already attempted two land invasions without success. The following passage shows what CUX leaders anticipated from the next attack:
CUX minutes on 04/03/2026
QRU - Brother Cabeça took drone seven, monitoring two water treatment plants, saw a reconnaissance team with eleven heads. Only one armed. Measuring weather conditions. Photographing pipes and hydraulics.
Deliberation of the Day n.17: Strengthen entry security via channel four. Upgrade shield to 440 mhz frequency.
Deliberation of the Day n.22: Double aerial surveillance team with thermo-sensitive drones. Quadrants 1, 12 and 14.3
It is clear from the intelligence crossing that they anticipated and prepared for interception, subtraction and kidnapping raids. They did not expect, much less prepare for, a large-scale attack on their territory.
As we noticed by analysing the deliberative and administrative logs of the Ministry of Brazil, we realised that by 2025 the main objective was indeed to obtain sound shield technology and the co-optation of a technical team to operationalise it. Four failed attempts were made from 2019 to 2024. Once they became aware that almost all the big bosses were concentrated in the community, the direction of the operations changed, they no longer tried to steal, co-opt or dismantle, but rather to exterminate, to ‘send a message’, make an example of the command centre, and thereby decimate local articulations. At the beginning of 2026, the Council voted that the best option would be a surprise air attack in which a compound chemical weapon would be dropped, generating a large fire, destroying their equipment and communication infrastructure, with no intention of leaving survivors.
The War Council strategised the attack plan in four stages:
- The Catre Base laboratory would develop the incendiary substance.
- Three crop dusters would be loaded with 2,500 litres of the substance and would leave at 3am from the Catre base. They would arrive in enemy territory around 5:12 am, fly fifty metres above the ground and spray the substance.
- Plane one would cover the area from Peabirú 4 to the entrance, plane two would cover from the Recluso to the sound shield supply area, and the third from the Communications Centre to the training area.
- Once the incendiary compound comes into contact with any electrical current, it would combust, destroying the infrastructure and personnel of Chiapú-Xingu.
The Catre Base laboratory logs show that the development team was working on a liquid fuel formula capable of being sprayed, but with greater burning durability than regular fuel. The solution found was to add a thickening element to the mixture that was activated only in contact with air. Designed by laboratory technicians, this sprayable compound of Napalm with vesicant agents derived from white phosphorus would be liquid inside the tanks and would activate its viscosity once sprayed on air, they named this compound P+I.
In the logs from January to March 2026 we see that the biggest technical challenge was the elaboration of this polymeric thickener. The chemistry was unstable and changed the humidity of the air in the test sites, activating its stickiness and changing the surface tension from the thinnest to the largest molecules. No matter how controlled the test and development environments were, the consequences of air humidification ended up compromising engines, circuits and equipment in laboratories and test field surroundings. It took four intense months of testing until a working and stable composition was found.
The effects of the thickening substance tests were felt in a radius of up to 80 km, as we can see when crossing the dates of the test carried out in March 2026 in Quadrant 7, whose reactions could be felt in Chiapú-Xingu, and were reported in this passage from Jucí’s Diary:
Yesterday afternoon it rained in a way that left everything a bit sticky, I’ve never seen that before. It ruined the entire plantation and left the ground somewhat impermeable, leaves and things sticking to shoes, walking makes a soft, strange, soundless sound. Jejé said it’s the sound of an ‘agouro’(omen), he’s been saying that word a lot, ‘agouro’, he keeps walking back and forth, looking up, looking down, a bit in a trance, I tried to talk to him yesterday and he didn’t even look me in the eye, he went to his shack and it’s been locked there until now.4
As tragic as the consequences of the attack would have been if it had been successful as planned by the War Ministry’s command, the consequences of what happened were even more catastrophic. A posthumous laboratory analysis reveals that a technical oversight led to contamination when loading the formula on the crop dusters. The ducts and tanks of the aircrafts chartered for the attack contained residues of paraquat, a herbicide that had previously been used by the equipment. Posthumous reports carried out by the War Crimes Investigation Committee confirm an unstable chemical reaction when the thickener developed for the attack came into contact with the paraquat residue.5
The report proves that the oxidative and peroxidative stress qualities of paraquat triggered a breakdown of molecules in the fuel plus thickener formula, and this, upon coming into contact with air, further enhanced by the pulverising effect, increased its divisible capacity, crystallising the molecule into a shape 13,000 times thinner.
There was an urgency in the weather that created a window of excellent conditions for both flight and precipitation for the attack to take place on June 16th 2026, therefore it is believed that the management of the Catre Base laboratory were pressured to authorise the action without being able to carry out a proper inspection of equipment and its specificities.
The laboratory logs attest that the mixture of Napalm and white phosphorus with thickener left the laboratory with a pure and stable formula, which confirms that the contamination occurred on the crop dusters tanks. In the first year of Reconstruction, the War Crimes Committee installed a Verification Inquiry to investigate accusations and conspiracies that allege that the chemical contamination of the attack on CUX and Chiapú-Xingu was intentional, since the attack obviously aimed at the annihilation of the community residents. But after much investigation and chronological analysis, no evidence was confirmed that the contamination was intentional. Also because today we are certain that the effects caused the same degree of loss and damage for both sides of the conflict.
Cross-checking the testimonies of survivors and the logs of the Ministry, we created this summary of the events of the 16/6/2026 attack:
From the perspective of the Catre Base Command Panel/Ministry of Brazil
1:21 am - The three aircraft are fueled with the flammable formula, and contaminated with paraquat residues in the aircraft’s ducts and tanks.
3:02 am - Aircraft take off from Catre Base’s main runway
5:15 am - The aircraft enter the perimeter of the Chiapú-Xingu community
5:17 am - Aircraft 1 is shot down moments before starting to unload. The aircraft explodes in the air, causing the death of the pilot, and generating fires where debris and chemicals fall.
5:19 am- Aircraft 3 is unable to spray the compound due to clogging of the valves. A report carried out that same morning states that, due to an air leak in the distribution tank, the formula thickened inside the tank to such an extent that it was impossible to spray due to its viscosity.
5:19 am- Aircraft 2 sprays 2,500 litres of combustible formula in the Recluso area to the sound shield field and is shot down soon after.
5:21 am- Aircraft 3 begins its return route to Catre Base.6
From the CUX perspective, crossing testimonies and surveillance logs, we have the following sequence:
At approximately 5 am the sirens of unauthorised aerial presence in the territory were ringed. With a surprise attack of that magnitude, everyone believed that the planes were carrying bombs. As the aircraft entered the perimeter, the East vision tower shot down one of the planes, which exploded in the air, dumping debris in the docking area. One of the planes turns around and disappears from view. The other aircraft lowers its altitude, dodging the shots from the South tower and dumps sprayable content into the air, and is shot down as it makes a turn, it also explodes in the air and the debris falls close to the reserves.
The sirens continue to ring and the atmosphere of panic is established, with the expectation of bomb explosions, no one understands or measures the proportions of a chemical attack. Unlike what was planned by the Ministry’s laboratory, when the substance came into contact with air and was sprayed, the contaminated compound became so thick that it lost its flammable quality. The droplets transform into crystallised molecules that burn in contact with the epidermis and mucus membranes, and cause extreme stinging when inhaled or ingested through the respiratory tract and eyes.
After being sprayed, this cloud of crystallised compound precipitated over the territory and gradually began to act on the body of the people who were under the cloud. Here and there, screams begin to be heard, mainly from the contingent on duty. People begin to leave their units in panic without understanding what was happening.
The second siren is activated, and many people from the south and southeast units are able to take shelter without coming into contact with the sprayed formula. The contingent of people in the courtyards and open areas try to protect themselves from the cloud of crystals and bring the injured into the hospitals and dormitories.
Testimony from guard on duty:
I was guarding the yard near the Recluso, I heard the noise of the planes before I heard the siren. First there was this huge explosion, I thought a bomb had gone off closer to the towers, but then I saw that the thing had exploded in the air. Above us, one of the planes came down and dropped something, everyone was aiming it and soon after it was shot down too, the aircraft fell towards the school. The thing that the plane released was falling, it looked like dust, falling very slowly, it was chaos, everyone who saw what was happening tried to get out from under it, but it was very thin and had already spread, so at one point it was impossible to see that it was falling on top of us. At first I couldn’t feel anything, then little by little a burning sensation began, and a burning sensation coming from inside. For me, it burned this side of the shoulder and face, and a little on the shin, on this side here, you can see it here. I just remember seeing a lot of people on the ground moaning and screaming, that burning sensation coming from their mouths and eyes, and I felt my face numb and at the same time in the greatest pain. I heard my voice screaming in pain and I was scared. Then I just remember my own voice and someone shaking me and this numbness that hurt a lot, my face hurt a lot and the sound got quieter and I could hear my heart beating really, really hard (…)7
Testimony from non-combatant:
We slept in those units facing the construction site, you know? Yeah. I was sleeping with my daughter in the hammock. The siren rang and we ran out and everyone was already in the hallway, there was the sound of gunshots and children crying and then the second siren rang. We heard a bomb explode in the distance, it was from the plane. I was heading out of the woods and changed direction to the back entrance of the shelter. We entered the shelter and people kept arriving. One of the guards said that we didn’t need to close the door yet, everyone just had to go deeper. It seemed like all of Ward 5 was there already, and that was a relief. We even heard more shots up there and people running and shouting orders. Then it started in there, first it was a boy who was already quite big, who started screaming and shouting and running his hands over his arms and looking in despair, and then it started here and there a lot of people started screaming too and falling, holding on with their hands, their eyes, their shoulders, any place that hurt, and they started throwing themselves on the ground and we tried to help them. I held the boy on my lap so he would stop crying, and I picked him up to help and slowly I started to feel the burning. I lost my palms here, and here, and this part of my thigh. Screams and moans, everyone there was some part burned or in pain. Chaos, chaos, and then a desperation to get out of the shelter, and when we left the air was burning in our noses and burning in the face, and a lot of people were lying on the ground already half in syncope and drying out. We ran into the woods, at one point I lost my vision and stopped on the ground and held the girl in my hand and told her to wait there, that someone would come. I didn’t lose consciousness but we stayed there crying and calling for a long time until someone came, breathing hurt a lot. In desperation I had placed the palm that was burning on my face and hurt my eye, like this. My daughter burned the sole of her foot, a little of her shin, and her hand, when she fell to the ground in the courtyard, caught some of it.8
When we compared the testimonies of the survivors and the laboratory analysis logs of blood counts, it was confirmed that there were in fact two forms of contamination with the compound: The first more immediately lethal and external, in the group that was exposed to the pulverised substance. This direct contact with the epidermis and respiratory tract caused intracutaneous burns, compromising mucous membranes and causing intense pain throughout the affected area, fainting and syncope.
The second form of contamination was indirect, once ingested or inhaled by the human body, the respiratory system and bloodstream broke down the divisible crystals of the molecule even further, making these micro crystals exhalable and transmissible upon exhalation. Unlike the case of the first contamination, this case does not present the symptoms of burning and physical pain, but the patients develop what came to be called Neuro-Capacitor Stimulation Insufficiency Syndrome, INCS, where the crystals of the formula were accumulating in the frontal lobe synapses, pausing motor functions, leaving people with this physical-neural catatonia.
It was also observed that infected and transmitting people had a kind of shine in their nasal and oral passages, the visible shine of exhaled crystals, which is why the disease and contamination gained the nickname ‘the drool’ or ‘drooling’, the shine in the mouth and nose, generated by a salivating catatonia.
With the sparse and striking reports from survivors and the complaints made through communication channels, it is possible to attest that by the end of 2026 the CUX communities and all surrounding areas were in a state of profound health calamity. With communication restricted due to the inoperability of shields, the fronts did not know which other villages had been attacked and what the repercussions of the attack were on the war. At the beginning of 2027, a partition patrolling the perimeter found a group of Ministry soldiers in a state of catatonia, thus concluding that people in the cities were also infected. The crystals were transmissible and had spread across both sides of the conflict on a nationwide scale.
The minutes of the CUX’s XR45 Emergency Meeting show that the strategy was one of grouping:
“The isolated places should be brought together even more in Chiapú-Xingu to have protection. There are planes here and plenty of generators. We are setting up more tents for isolation and care for ‘the drooling’”9
The precarious and sparse records we have from the recovery stations show how difficult the treatment was since the health contingent of doctors, healers, nurses and pharmacists were also suffering from the INC Syndrome. A few months of case studies revealed that people between 30 and 50 years old had a higher mortality rate and that some people had total or partial immunity to the symptoms of ‘the drooling’. The symptoms and duration of catatonia would vary greatly depending on the person’s blood constitution.
At the beginning of 2027, eight recovery units were installed and operational for the sick. The patients were grouped in four levels according to the depth of their catatonia, the beds were arranged side by side, and the air was constantly filtered to remove the crystals. The first group, which had been directly affected by the compound, received intensive care to restore the respiratory system, and skin burns were treated with tilapia leather. In the other sessions, at the same time as the medical contingent, the Three-Skins also worked with patients, since dreams were the only way of communicating with patients in deep catatonia. Due to the fact that many adults are affected by the syndrome, the majority of people in caring roles were young people, children and the elderly.
In 2028, both sides of the war are so affected and disjointed that dealing with that conflict no longer made sense. The Ministry of Brazil issued a statement, officialising the end of the war, prioritising the care of people affected by the syndrome, preaching solidarity and unity in face of the state of calamity that both sides found themselves in, initiating a data sharing system relating to INCS so that they could find a cure faster together. Months later, they are able to trace the blood characteristics that respond better to the syndrome.
Throughout 2030, a double-factor healing procedure was developed, one physiological and the other spiritual-neural. The first involves chemical thinning of the blood through the administration of intravenous sodium heparin and epidermal thinning by immersing the body in tanks containing a compound of guaco and cassava. The second is a ‘visit’ in a dream by a Three-Skin, who talks to the patient and pulls the person back if they want and can. After eight months of testing this method they successfully brought the first person ‘back’ from the catatonic ‘drool’.
The same bilateral cure was found in the Advanced Containment Center of the Ministry of Brazil, also involving a blood thinning procedure using argatroban serum and, providing a cadence of electromagnetic waves and pulses that acted as catatonia ‘alarm clocks’, the same way the dream conversation did.
In 2031, after almost six years of calamity and helplessness, the prospect of healing, reconciliation and a return to normality once again appeared on people’s horizons. From this state of mourning, tiredness and just a little hope comes the period of Reconstruction, in 2032.
We trust this timeline can bring to light, with intelligibility and detail, the necessary information so that we remember how we got here, and look at the future with fresh eyes.
Document generated, verified and attached to the Accountability Board in the War Crimes Reparations division.10
Published on 04/06/2032
By Maíra Dietrich, Researcher at Rekonζtrua Dosiero
Access Code - Clearance - CLV 4.5529-0
Rekonζtrua Dosiero is a fiction series created by Maíra Dietrich, that speculates about our world from 2011 to 2072. The series begins in 2011, starting from a fact that triggers spiritual and pragmatic events that lead to civil wars that divide countries. During the war, a biological weapon is accidentally created, leaving 30% of the world’s population in a physical coma.
Mixing different degrees of both pragmatism and fiction, the Rekonζtrua Dosiero series is at the same time a rehearsal, a prophecy and an act of preparedness. After the ‘world as we know’ has ended, what are the new seeds and structures or non-structures we want to build as the foundation of a ‘new world’-proposal? These questions, fueled with fictional imagination, are the core of the series’s main character: an organisation called Rekonζtrua Dosiero, founded in 2032 and dedicated for housing the memories, testimonies and objects from the period of Reconciliation (2032-2038). Speculating how communities began to heal and overcome war, segregation and global diseases, involving themes of indigenous culture, the prison population, spiritual science and the role of language in creating a new world. All the materials of the series are part of this RD’s archive, and are often mediated by its fictional researchers.
The series began in 2019 and adapts according to the context it is brought up to. It has already taken shape as a sound piece with journals with entries from 2011 until 2058, a fictional interview given in 2048 by the director of the Dosiero, four collages displayed as museum panels as part of a group show, an ongoing fictional grammars and other forms.
To know more about the Chamber of Xamãs, the CUX, the Three-Skins and other weird details, visit the series gateway, the sound piece of Jucí’s Diaries: https://www.artbytranslation.org/exhibitions/202105-time-capsule-2045/creations-sonores-et-performances/maira-dietrich
- War Documents 26 - Section 41b - Documents ↩
- War Documents 26 - Section 1.01 - Documents ↩
- CUX Minutes Book - Year VI - Central - Minute 3,657 ↩
- Rekonstrua Dosiero - Procezo 33b’7/Jucí - Ricevita la Tri-Sep-Carranca-Cinco - PG1887 ↩
- War Documents 26 - Section 1.914 - Reports ↩
- War Documents 26 - Section 1870 - Logs ↩
- Rekonstrua Dosiero - Procezo 112c’22/Sandro ReVeis - Ricevita la Sep-Sep-Cinq- PG006 ↩
- Rekonstrua Dosiero - Procezo 346c’01/MariNa Devis - Ricevita la Sep-Trip-Dux-Dux- PG2 ↩
- CUX Minutes Book - Year VI - Emergency - Minutes 26 ↩
- War Documents 26 - Section 4822 - Aftermath - Protocol 34 ↩

When revisiting the events that took place during the 26 attacks in Chiapú-Xingu, it is important to highlight the difficulty of drawing a timeline due to the structural and health chaos triggered by the attack. To draw this timeline, documents from both perspectives of the conflict were crossed: both the minutes of the CUX (Xingu Unified Command), and the logs of the Catre Base of the Ministry of Brazil, as well as less implicated perspectives of observers and survivors. All documents used in this report are under the seal of the Disclosure Law promoted by the Responsibility Board.1
Since 2019, the Ministry of Brazil has tried to reinforce its leadership in the country, enlisting new groups and annexing territories to its contingent. The opposition forces that until then were spread across the country began to concentrate in the territory of the Xingu Reserve. After years of concentration, assimilation and debate, in 2021 these groups were named Chiapú-Xingu, and the indigenous-prison alliance was organised as CUX. From that moment on, the two enemy poles competing in the country’s power play became clear. In January 2023, the CUX council deliberated on guidelines for confrontations and counterattacks and elected new leaders. Feeling the tone rise and the opposition articulating itself, the Ministry of Brazil tightened negotiations and published the document that became known as the Declaration of War2 in May of the same year. Still in 2023, the first attempted land invasion of CUX territory was the Guarantã operation. The retaliation took place at the beginning of the following year, when the Colíder and Xinguara Bases were invaded and dismantled with the attack of the southwestern division of the CUX.
In the two years following the major attack, attempts at occupation, sabotage and dismantling were undertaken by both sides of the conflict. In 2026, when the war was on for three years, a major movement was anticipated: attempts at the front, sound shields, attacks, interception of transmissions. The CUX forces remained vigilant and grouped in the greater Chiapú-Xingu region. The Ministry had already attempted two land invasions without success. The following passage shows what CUX leaders anticipated from the next attack:
CUX minutes on 04/03/2026
QRU - Brother Cabeça took drone seven, monitoring two water treatment plants, saw a reconnaissance team with eleven heads. Only one armed. Measuring weather conditions. Photographing pipes and hydraulics.
Deliberation of the Day n.17: Strengthen entry security via channel four. Upgrade shield to 440 mhz frequency.
Deliberation of the Day n.22: Double aerial surveillance team with thermo-sensitive drones. Quadrants 1, 12 and 14.3
It is clear from the intelligence crossing that they anticipated and prepared for interception, subtraction and kidnapping raids. They did not expect, much less prepare for, a large-scale attack on their territory.
As we noticed by analysing the deliberative and administrative logs of the Ministry of Brazil, we realised that by 2025 the main objective was indeed to obtain sound shield technology and the co-optation of a technical team to operationalise it. Four failed attempts were made from 2019 to 2024. Once they became aware that almost all the big bosses were concentrated in the community, the direction of the operations changed, they no longer tried to steal, co-opt or dismantle, but rather to exterminate, to ‘send a message’, make an example of the command centre, and thereby decimate local articulations. At the beginning of 2026, the Council voted that the best option would be a surprise air attack in which a compound chemical weapon would be dropped, generating a large fire, destroying their equipment and communication infrastructure, with no intention of leaving survivors.
The War Council strategised the attack plan in four stages:
- The Catre Base laboratory would develop the incendiary substance.
- Three crop dusters would be loaded with 2,500 litres of the substance and would leave at 3am from the Catre base. They would arrive in enemy territory around 5:12 am, fly fifty metres above the ground and spray the substance.
- Plane one would cover the area from Peabirú 4 to the entrance, plane two would cover from the Recluso to the sound shield supply area, and the third from the Communications Centre to the training area.
- Once the incendiary compound comes into contact with any electrical current, it would combust, destroying the infrastructure and personnel of Chiapú-Xingu.
The Catre Base laboratory logs show that the development team was working on a liquid fuel formula capable of being sprayed, but with greater burning durability than regular fuel. The solution found was to add a thickening element to the mixture that was activated only in contact with air. Designed by laboratory technicians, this sprayable compound of Napalm with vesicant agents derived from white phosphorus would be liquid inside the tanks and would activate its viscosity once sprayed on air, they named this compound P+I.
In the logs from January to March 2026 we see that the biggest technical challenge was the elaboration of this polymeric thickener. The chemistry was unstable and changed the humidity of the air in the test sites, activating its stickiness and changing the surface tension from the thinnest to the largest molecules. No matter how controlled the test and development environments were, the consequences of air humidification ended up compromising engines, circuits and equipment in laboratories and test field surroundings. It took four intense months of testing until a working and stable composition was found.
The effects of the thickening substance tests were felt in a radius of up to 80 km, as we can see when crossing the dates of the test carried out in March 2026 in Quadrant 7, whose reactions could be felt in Chiapú-Xingu, and were reported in this passage from Jucí’s Diary:
Yesterday afternoon it rained in a way that left everything a bit sticky, I’ve never seen that before. It ruined the entire plantation and left the ground somewhat impermeable, leaves and things sticking to shoes, walking makes a soft, strange, soundless sound. Jejé said it’s the sound of an ‘agouro’(omen), he’s been saying that word a lot, ‘agouro’, he keeps walking back and forth, looking up, looking down, a bit in a trance, I tried to talk to him yesterday and he didn’t even look me in the eye, he went to his shack and it’s been locked there until now.4
As tragic as the consequences of the attack would have been if it had been successful as planned by the War Ministry’s command, the consequences of what happened were even more catastrophic. A posthumous laboratory analysis reveals that a technical oversight led to contamination when loading the formula on the crop dusters. The ducts and tanks of the aircrafts chartered for the attack contained residues of paraquat, a herbicide that had previously been used by the equipment. Posthumous reports carried out by the War Crimes Investigation Committee confirm an unstable chemical reaction when the thickener developed for the attack came into contact with the paraquat residue.5
The report proves that the oxidative and peroxidative stress qualities of paraquat triggered a breakdown of molecules in the fuel plus thickener formula, and this, upon coming into contact with air, further enhanced by the pulverising effect, increased its divisible capacity, crystallising the molecule into a shape 13,000 times thinner.
There was an urgency in the weather that created a window of excellent conditions for both flight and precipitation for the attack to take place on June 16th 2026, therefore it is believed that the management of the Catre Base laboratory were pressured to authorise the action without being able to carry out a proper inspection of equipment and its specificities.
The laboratory logs attest that the mixture of Napalm and white phosphorus with thickener left the laboratory with a pure and stable formula, which confirms that the contamination occurred on the crop dusters tanks. In the first year of Reconstruction, the War Crimes Committee installed a Verification Inquiry to investigate accusations and conspiracies that allege that the chemical contamination of the attack on CUX and Chiapú-Xingu was intentional, since the attack obviously aimed at the annihilation of the community residents. But after much investigation and chronological analysis, no evidence was confirmed that the contamination was intentional. Also because today we are certain that the effects caused the same degree of loss and damage for both sides of the conflict.
Cross-checking the testimonies of survivors and the logs of the Ministry, we created this summary of the events of the 16/6/2026 attack:
From the perspective of the Catre Base Command Panel/Ministry of Brazil
1:21 am - The three aircraft are fueled with the flammable formula, and contaminated with paraquat residues in the aircraft’s ducts and tanks.
3:02 am - Aircraft take off from Catre Base’s main runway
5:15 am - The aircraft enter the perimeter of the Chiapú-Xingu community
5:17 am - Aircraft 1 is shot down moments before starting to unload. The aircraft explodes in the air, causing the death of the pilot, and generating fires where debris and chemicals fall.
5:19 am- Aircraft 3 is unable to spray the compound due to clogging of the valves. A report carried out that same morning states that, due to an air leak in the distribution tank, the formula thickened inside the tank to such an extent that it was impossible to spray due to its viscosity.
5:19 am- Aircraft 2 sprays 2,500 litres of combustible formula in the Recluso area to the sound shield field and is shot down soon after.
5:21 am- Aircraft 3 begins its return route to Catre Base.6
From the CUX perspective, crossing testimonies and surveillance logs, we have the following sequence:
At approximately 5 am the sirens of unauthorised aerial presence in the territory were ringed. With a surprise attack of that magnitude, everyone believed that the planes were carrying bombs. As the aircraft entered the perimeter, the East vision tower shot down one of the planes, which exploded in the air, dumping debris in the docking area. One of the planes turns around and disappears from view. The other aircraft lowers its altitude, dodging the shots from the South tower and dumps sprayable content into the air, and is shot down as it makes a turn, it also explodes in the air and the debris falls close to the reserves.
The sirens continue to ring and the atmosphere of panic is established, with the expectation of bomb explosions, no one understands or measures the proportions of a chemical attack. Unlike what was planned by the Ministry’s laboratory, when the substance came into contact with air and was sprayed, the contaminated compound became so thick that it lost its flammable quality. The droplets transform into crystallised molecules that burn in contact with the epidermis and mucus membranes, and cause extreme stinging when inhaled or ingested through the respiratory tract and eyes.
After being sprayed, this cloud of crystallised compound precipitated over the territory and gradually began to act on the body of the people who were under the cloud. Here and there, screams begin to be heard, mainly from the contingent on duty. People begin to leave their units in panic without understanding what was happening.
The second siren is activated, and many people from the south and southeast units are able to take shelter without coming into contact with the sprayed formula. The contingent of people in the courtyards and open areas try to protect themselves from the cloud of crystals and bring the injured into the hospitals and dormitories.
Testimony from guard on duty:
I was guarding the yard near the Recluso, I heard the noise of the planes before I heard the siren. First there was this huge explosion, I thought a bomb had gone off closer to the towers, but then I saw that the thing had exploded in the air. Above us, one of the planes came down and dropped something, everyone was aiming it and soon after it was shot down too, the aircraft fell towards the school. The thing that the plane released was falling, it looked like dust, falling very slowly, it was chaos, everyone who saw what was happening tried to get out from under it, but it was very thin and had already spread, so at one point it was impossible to see that it was falling on top of us. At first I couldn’t feel anything, then little by little a burning sensation began, and a burning sensation coming from inside. For me, it burned this side of the shoulder and face, and a little on the shin, on this side here, you can see it here. I just remember seeing a lot of people on the ground moaning and screaming, that burning sensation coming from their mouths and eyes, and I felt my face numb and at the same time in the greatest pain. I heard my voice screaming in pain and I was scared. Then I just remember my own voice and someone shaking me and this numbness that hurt a lot, my face hurt a lot and the sound got quieter and I could hear my heart beating really, really hard (…)7
Testimony from non-combatant:
We slept in those units facing the construction site, you know? Yeah. I was sleeping with my daughter in the hammock. The siren rang and we ran out and everyone was already in the hallway, there was the sound of gunshots and children crying and then the second siren rang. We heard a bomb explode in the distance, it was from the plane. I was heading out of the woods and changed direction to the back entrance of the shelter. We entered the shelter and people kept arriving. One of the guards said that we didn’t need to close the door yet, everyone just had to go deeper. It seemed like all of Ward 5 was there already, and that was a relief. We even heard more shots up there and people running and shouting orders. Then it started in there, first it was a boy who was already quite big, who started screaming and shouting and running his hands over his arms and looking in despair, and then it started here and there a lot of people started screaming too and falling, holding on with their hands, their eyes, their shoulders, any place that hurt, and they started throwing themselves on the ground and we tried to help them. I held the boy on my lap so he would stop crying, and I picked him up to help and slowly I started to feel the burning. I lost my palms here, and here, and this part of my thigh. Screams and moans, everyone there was some part burned or in pain. Chaos, chaos, and then a desperation to get out of the shelter, and when we left the air was burning in our noses and burning in the face, and a lot of people were lying on the ground already half in syncope and drying out. We ran into the woods, at one point I lost my vision and stopped on the ground and held the girl in my hand and told her to wait there, that someone would come. I didn’t lose consciousness but we stayed there crying and calling for a long time until someone came, breathing hurt a lot. In desperation I had placed the palm that was burning on my face and hurt my eye, like this. My daughter burned the sole of her foot, a little of her shin, and her hand, when she fell to the ground in the courtyard, caught some of it.8
When we compared the testimonies of the survivors and the laboratory analysis logs of blood counts, it was confirmed that there were in fact two forms of contamination with the compound: The first more immediately lethal and external, in the group that was exposed to the pulverised substance. This direct contact with the epidermis and respiratory tract caused intracutaneous burns, compromising mucous membranes and causing intense pain throughout the affected area, fainting and syncope.
The second form of contamination was indirect, once ingested or inhaled by the human body, the respiratory system and bloodstream broke down the divisible crystals of the molecule even further, making these micro crystals exhalable and transmissible upon exhalation. Unlike the case of the first contamination, this case does not present the symptoms of burning and physical pain, but the patients develop what came to be called Neuro-Capacitor Stimulation Insufficiency Syndrome, INCS, where the crystals of the formula were accumulating in the frontal lobe synapses, pausing motor functions, leaving people with this physical-neural catatonia.
It was also observed that infected and transmitting people had a kind of shine in their nasal and oral passages, the visible shine of exhaled crystals, which is why the disease and contamination gained the nickname ‘the drool’ or ‘drooling’, the shine in the mouth and nose, generated by a salivating catatonia.
With the sparse and striking reports from survivors and the complaints made through communication channels, it is possible to attest that by the end of 2026 the CUX communities and all surrounding areas were in a state of profound health calamity. With communication restricted due to the inoperability of shields, the fronts did not know which other villages had been attacked and what the repercussions of the attack were on the war. At the beginning of 2027, a partition patrolling the perimeter found a group of Ministry soldiers in a state of catatonia, thus concluding that people in the cities were also infected. The crystals were transmissible and had spread across both sides of the conflict on a nationwide scale.
The minutes of the CUX’s XR45 Emergency Meeting show that the strategy was one of grouping:
“The isolated places should be brought together even more in Chiapú-Xingu to have protection. There are planes here and plenty of generators. We are setting up more tents for isolation and care for ‘the drooling’”9
The precarious and sparse records we have from the recovery stations show how difficult the treatment was since the health contingent of doctors, healers, nurses and pharmacists were also suffering from the INC Syndrome. A few months of case studies revealed that people between 30 and 50 years old had a higher mortality rate and that some people had total or partial immunity to the symptoms of ‘the drooling’. The symptoms and duration of catatonia would vary greatly depending on the person’s blood constitution.
At the beginning of 2027, eight recovery units were installed and operational for the sick. The patients were grouped in four levels according to the depth of their catatonia, the beds were arranged side by side, and the air was constantly filtered to remove the crystals. The first group, which had been directly affected by the compound, received intensive care to restore the respiratory system, and skin burns were treated with tilapia leather. In the other sessions, at the same time as the medical contingent, the Three-Skins also worked with patients, since dreams were the only way of communicating with patients in deep catatonia. Due to the fact that many adults are affected by the syndrome, the majority of people in caring roles were young people, children and the elderly.
In 2028, both sides of the war are so affected and disjointed that dealing with that conflict no longer made sense. The Ministry of Brazil issued a statement, officialising the end of the war, prioritising the care of people affected by the syndrome, preaching solidarity and unity in face of the state of calamity that both sides found themselves in, initiating a data sharing system relating to INCS so that they could find a cure faster together. Months later, they are able to trace the blood characteristics that respond better to the syndrome.
Throughout 2030, a double-factor healing procedure was developed, one physiological and the other spiritual-neural. The first involves chemical thinning of the blood through the administration of intravenous sodium heparin and epidermal thinning by immersing the body in tanks containing a compound of guaco and cassava. The second is a ‘visit’ in a dream by a Three-Skin, who talks to the patient and pulls the person back if they want and can. After eight months of testing this method they successfully brought the first person ‘back’ from the catatonic ‘drool’.
The same bilateral cure was found in the Advanced Containment Center of the Ministry of Brazil, also involving a blood thinning procedure using argatroban serum and, providing a cadence of electromagnetic waves and pulses that acted as catatonia ‘alarm clocks’, the same way the dream conversation did.
In 2031, after almost six years of calamity and helplessness, the prospect of healing, reconciliation and a return to normality once again appeared on people’s horizons. From this state of mourning, tiredness and just a little hope comes the period of Reconstruction, in 2032.
We trust this timeline can bring to light, with intelligibility and detail, the necessary information so that we remember how we got here, and look at the future with fresh eyes.
Document generated, verified and attached to the Accountability Board in the War Crimes Reparations division.10
Published on 04/06/2032
By Maíra Dietrich, Researcher at Rekonζtrua Dosiero
Access Code - Clearance - CLV 4.5529-0
Rekonζtrua Dosiero is a fiction series created by Maíra Dietrich, that speculates about our world from 2011 to 2072. The series begins in 2011, starting from a fact that triggers spiritual and pragmatic events that lead to civil wars that divide countries. During the war, a biological weapon is accidentally created, leaving 30% of the world’s population in a physical coma.
Mixing different degrees of both pragmatism and fiction, the Rekonζtrua Dosiero series is at the same time a rehearsal, a prophecy and an act of preparedness. After the ‘world as we know’ has ended, what are the new seeds and structures or non-structures we want to build as the foundation of a ‘new world’-proposal? These questions, fueled with fictional imagination, are the core of the series’s main character: an organisation called Rekonζtrua Dosiero, founded in 2032 and dedicated for housing the memories, testimonies and objects from the period of Reconciliation (2032-2038). Speculating how communities began to heal and overcome war, segregation and global diseases, involving themes of indigenous culture, the prison population, spiritual science and the role of language in creating a new world. All the materials of the series are part of this RD’s archive, and are often mediated by its fictional researchers.
The series began in 2019 and adapts according to the context it is brought up to. It has already taken shape as a sound piece with journals with entries from 2011 until 2058, a fictional interview given in 2048 by the director of the Dosiero, four collages displayed as museum panels as part of a group show, an ongoing fictional grammars and other forms.
To know more about the Chamber of Xamãs, the CUX, the Three-Skins and other weird details, visit the series gateway, the sound piece of Jucí’s Diaries: https://www.artbytranslation.org/exhibitions/202105-time-capsule-2045/creations-sonores-et-performances/maira-dietrich
- War Documents 26 - Section 41b - Documents ↩
- War Documents 26 - Section 1.01 - Documents ↩
- CUX Minutes Book - Year VI - Central - Minute 3,657 ↩
- Rekonstrua Dosiero - Procezo 33b’7/Jucí - Ricevita la Tri-Sep-Carranca-Cinco - PG1887 ↩
- War Documents 26 - Section 1.914 - Reports ↩
- War Documents 26 - Section 1870 - Logs ↩
- Rekonstrua Dosiero - Procezo 112c’22/Sandro ReVeis - Ricevita la Sep-Sep-Cinq- PG006 ↩
- Rekonstrua Dosiero - Procezo 346c’01/MariNa Devis - Ricevita la Sep-Trip-Dux-Dux- PG2 ↩
- CUX Minutes Book - Year VI - Emergency - Minutes 26 ↩
- War Documents 26 - Section 4822 - Aftermath - Protocol 34 ↩