The Financial Time that Remains: A collective reading of Robert Meister’s Justice Is an Option : A Democratic Theory of Finance for the 21st Century
Dec 9th - 7-8 PM GMT - Introduction (you don’t need to have read the book)
Dec 16th - 6-8 PM GMT - Discussion
“The question of historical justice, which was once the revolutionary project, can be reanimated for our time by focusing attention on the social machinery by which vastly unequal wealth is preserved and accumulated. Are the ongoing and increasing benefits of past injustice being held somewhere, at least virtually, as a fund?”
Robert Meister, Justice Is an Option (2021)
Essays in Regenerative Finance
Feb 3rd - 7-8 PM GMT - The Ministry for the Future and the Carbon Coin scenario - collective reading session
Feb 10th - 6-8 PM GMT - Toucan Protocol, KlimaDAO and the Voluntary Carbon Credit Market - session with the creators of the Toucan Protocol
“One of the most powerful economic levers we have in the fight against climate change is pricing carbon. In an indirect way, the voluntary carbon market helps price-in the negative externalities of emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. As more actors decide to do this, the price of carbon will increase steadily, and eventually reach a point where economic and social costs are accurately accounted for by the price of offsets. This is is the fundamental role of the infrastructure which Klima DAO is building.“
KlimaDAO Introduction
“I began as a silent speaking, a key to open every door; now that I have opened all the front doors, I am the key that locks the back doors by which wrongdoers try to escape the scene of the crime. I am the nothing that makes everything happen. You don’t know me, you don’t understand me; and yet still, if you want justice, I will help you to find it. I am blockchain. I am encryption. I am code. Now put me to use.”
Kim Stanley Robinson, The Ministry for the Future (2020)
On Investee Activism: Reading Michel Feher’s Rated Agency: Investee Politics in a Speculative Age
Date: Apr 28th - 6-8 PM BST
“At odds with the Left populist strategy that wishes to convert white male rage against women, minorities, and foreigners into righteous indignation directed at unaccountable elites, Black Lives Matter, #MeToo, and the March for Our Lives unapologetically speculate against the various facets of the “citizenship value” that Donald Trump promised to raise. Far from sacrificing substance to symbolism or concentrating on symptoms to the detriment of structural inequalities, these movements reckon with the fact that the allocation of moral, social, and financial credit has become the decisive stake of social struggles.“
Michel Feher, Rated Agency (2018)
Reading All Incomplete, by Fred Moten and Stefano Harney
Date: June 13th - 6-8 PM BST
Building on the ideas developed in The Undercommons, All Incomplete extends the critical investigation of logistics, individuation, (self)ownership and sovereignty. Moten and Harney describe an experience of sharing that precedes the breaking down into “shares”, calling for a renewal of our habits of assembly despite and against the temptation to improve and demand, develop and govern, separate and grasp.
Coloniality, Raciality, and Global Capitalism from a Black Feminist “Poethical” Perspective: Reading Denise Ferreira da Silva’s Unpayable Debt
Date: July 4th - 6-8 PM BST
“Focusing on the philosophy behind value, Denise Ferreira da Silva exposes capital as the juridical architecture and ethical grammar of the world. Here, raciality—a symbol of coloniality—justifies deployments of total violence to enable expropriation and land extraction.“
Introduction to Denise Ferreira da Silva’s Unpayable Debt (Forthcoming)
Date: may 18th - 4-7 PM BST
co-hosted with Ifilnova, Erik Bordeleau and Andrea Pavoni
“The question of value and valuation is at the core of the post-capitalist civilizational shift. It is a delicate one because (surplus) value measurements happen to be highly performative, that is: they tend to modify the very values they are meant to account for. Or to paraphrase Donna Haraway’s provocative and staying-with-the-trouble insight: it matters what worlds world worlds; and it matters what values value values.”